Join Reel Savings

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Reel Savings Rebate/Discount Program


                                  TERMS & CONDITIONS OF USE                                  

Reel Savings is an entertainment industry discount/rebate program (“Reel Savings”) created by the Arizona Office of Film & Digital Media (“Film Office”) - a program of the Arizona Commerce Authority (“ACA”), an agency of the State of Arizona. The Reel Savings program provides discounts and rebates from participating Reel Savings businesses (“Vendors”) to participating Reel Savings entertainment industry professionals (“Users”) doing business in the State of Arizona.


By agreeing to participate in the program, either as a User, Vendor or both  (“Participants”), you and/or your company agree to the following terms and conditions of the Reel Savings program, in addition to the Privacy Policy and Site Terms and Conditions that govern registration and use of the (www.azcommerce/film-media) website.


PARTICIPATION: All Participants MUST be approved by the Film Office.

Participating Reel Savings Users and Vendors must be located within the State of Arizona and/or doing business in Arizona at the time Reel Savings discount/rebate(s) are received or provided.


Qualifying Vendors are approved vendors who are registered with Film Office and provide an industry-related product or service listed within the Film Office’s Support Services AND are able to provide a minimum discount/rebate of 10% to participating Users. Register your business here. Examples of Support Service Vendors.


Qualifying Users are approved individuals and businesses registered with the Film Office Crew Directory and/or Support Services Directory.  *If you are with an Out-of-State industry executive/manager with a production company or studio, you must have an approved, registered film/digital media project with the Film Office to qualify. Register your project here.



The Film Office/ACA is not responsible for the maintenance or accuracy of electronic records of Participants who may or may not be registered for the program, nor responsible for the veracity and/or conduct of Participants who take part in the Reel Savings program. The Film Office/ACA is not liable or responsible for the accuracy or provision of a Vendor’s promoted discount/rebate(s), business activities or financial gains/losses that may arise from participation in the Reel Savings program; nor does participation by any Vendor or User in the Reel Savings program constitute an endorsement of said Participants by the Film Office/ACA to the exclusion of other Vendors or Users who may or may not participate in the Reel Savings program.  No purchase by any Participant is necessary to participate in the Reel Savings program and no offer, acceptance, or agreement beyond the express provisions of these Terms & Conditions of Use, the Privacy Policy, and the Site Terms and Conditions is or should be implied as emanating from or presented by the Film Office/ACA.


Termination: The Film Office/ACA may terminate the Reel Savings program, at any time, without notice to current or future Participants.


VENDOR Registration: 
[1] Register. Register your business as a Support Service and select the option to participate in the Reel Savings program. You may provide us with a copy of your business license or other related tax ID documentation.  Examples of Support Service businesses.


[2] Select Discount/Rebate. During the registration process and in your vendor profile, indicate the Reel Savings discount percentage or rebate that you will offer (with a minimum of 10%), which products or services are included in the discount/rebate, and the term that the discount/rebate(s) will be effective. Example: 25% OFF all non-premium products through Dec. 31, 2017.


[3] Discount/Rebate Changes. Vendors must notify the Film Office in writing, by email or mail, of discount/rebate rate changes 10 days prior to the expiration of the current advertised Reel Savings discount/rebate(s). Vendors may implement new effective date(s) ONLY AFTER expiration of the currently advertised discount/rebate, OR earlier with exception granted only upon the express written approval of the Film Office in its sole discretion based on a showing of undue burden or extraordinary hardship on the part of the Vendor. Requests for such exceptions shall be made in writing to the film office within 15 days of the expiration of current advertised discount/rebate(s).


[4] Vendor Responsibility. The Film Office and ACA shall not be responsible to validate or confirm Reel Savings status for any single or group of users applying for or seeking a discount/rebate pursuant to the Reel Savings Program. For the avoidance of doubt, each Vendor shall in every case perform any process Vendor deems necessary in its sole discretion to provide or refuse to provide any discount, rebate, benefit, credit, or other perquisite that arises under or may be related to the Reel Savings program, and Vendor will bear sole responsibility and liability for actions taken in the context of the Reel Savings Program.


[5] Vendor Promotion. Once approved by the Film Office as a Reel Savings Vendor, your Reel Savings discount/rebate rate will be advertised on your Support Services profile, and discoverable by a search of Reel Savings Vendors.


USER Registration:  

[1] Register. Register with the Film Office Production Directory, either as Crew or Support Services. Once approved, Crew are automatically eligible to enjoy the benefits of Reel Savings discounts and rebates from participating Reel Savings vendors. *If you are an Out-of-State entertainment industry professional, production company or studio, you must have an approved, registered film/digital media project with the Film Office to qualify. Click here to quickly Register your Project.


[2] Discount Approval. Upon written notice of approval by the Film Office, print and keep your approval email for your records.


[3] Verification. Available Reel Savings discount/rebate(s) are provided to Users at the sole discretion of participating Reel Savings Vendors who maintain verification responsibility of participating Users. Vendor may refuse to provide Users any discount, benefit, credit or other perquisite that arises under or may be related to the Reel Savings program. (See Vendor Responsibility above.)


[4] Renewal. Upon expiration of your approved participation date with the Reel Savings discount/rebate program, it is the responsibility of the User to request in writing of the Film Office their renewal of participation with the Reel Savings program, subject to approval of the Film Office. During the renewal process, the Film Office may require additional registration information from User deemed necessary to verify User’s continued eligibility for the Reel Savings entertainment industry discount/rebate(s) program.

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